Up Next
What are topics we expect to cover in upcoming articles, between now and the end of the third quarter?
Markets and Elections – What is the correlation between election outcomes and the performance of the stock and bond markets? Do the public markets do better under one party than another?
Inflation and Incomes – Where on the income scale does inflation have the biggest impact? Lowest decile? Highest? Somewhere in the middle?
Books and Trends – What books have we been reading on macro trends? What have we been learning? How does this apply to our thinking going forward?
Stewardship – What are our thoughts stewardship, leadership, governance? How do we apply these concepts internally? How do any of us measure the success and impact of our lives?
A Fable – Given headlines and talking heads of every sort and description, how do we make meaningful decisions? Especially financial decisions? Given our past experiences, current circumstances, and future hopes and dreams, what is the wise thing to do now?
Crypto and Other Alternatives – We have offered the opinion that no financial statement should be completely invested in one stock or single asset class. What is the role of cryptocurrencies, gold, silver, and other alternative asset classes? Do we own them? If so, how much? Do we trade, hold for specific periods?
Purpose Powered Planning – Building a strong financial statement can be a meaningful exercise. But to what end? For the enjoyment of it? To best utilize personal gifts and talents? As a good use of financial resources? To facilitate our ability to live out hopes, dreams, goals, and ultimate purpose?
Dynasty 529 Plans – What are they? How can you utilize them for the benefit of those you care about?
Charitable Giving and Privately Held Stock – Can you make a charitable gift of your company stock? If so, what are the considerations? Can you use a Donor Advised Fund in this endeavor?
There will probably be other articles, though this gives you a good idea of what’s coming up. If you have suggestions for us on what to write about, or if there are topics you would like to see addressed, let us know.
And until we see you again, wishing you only the best.